Are You a Difficult Person?

Barbara Fagan
Apr 13, 2021


We all are difficult at times. Some of us more than others. I often think about the story below to help identify if I’m being a jerk:

When I find myself particularly impatient and annoyed, I remind myself that I may well be coming across as a difficult person.

As part of The Enlightened Workplace Project, we’re hosting a free discussion on Dealing with Difficult People at Work on Thursday, April 29. Join us!

To tee it up, we wrote a blog on 4 Causes of Workplace Conflict.

Short and sweet this week!

Be well!

Barbara Fagan-Smith
Chief Catalyst, Living ROI



Barbara Fagan

Founder and CEO of ROI Communication and the Chief Catalyst for Living ROI. She is committed to helping people and organizations bring their best to the world.